
Vincent Porter

She is truly magical

My name is Vincent Porter and I am an Information Technology professional with the United States government. I have struggled with procrastination for as long as I can remember. For example, I have an amazing idea I would like to share with the world, but I find I keep self-sabotaging all my efforts. I have been frustrated with this for years. After one session with Leanne, it caused an emotional breakthrough that continued days later. This one session had me sign up with her immediately, and I know it is just the beginning, but that's one heck of a beginning and the foundation had definitely been laid. Leanne is an amazing empath and amazing at what she does. I have now been working with her for several months and I am still not even sure how she does it. I show up for our conversations, we talk and somehow magic happens in my life. It is a continually amazing process. She is incredibly present, very insightful and one of the few people that I can truly count on to call me on my bs.
Vincent Porter, Italy

Adanike, USA

Leanne is the best, most amazing, understanding and patient guardian angel.

Yes she is a guardian angel to me because of what she has taught, guide and shared with me is not written in any book neither have I heard them from anyone else. She has taught me how to discover my true self which is my identity, help me to evaluate and access my Purpose in life without changing it for me, how to attain the success that I want out of my business and the best part how to respect and value myself as an individual and stop stressing and feeling anxious about things I cannot control. I believe Leanne is God sent to me as my guardian angel to help me to get to exact where I need to be. I am on a better journey with peace, focus, and determined to get where I will become a better me. Thank you Leanne, I am super grateful and I know that you will touch and make an impact in other people's lives ~ AdenikeKassim.

Sumona from New Zealand

I was in deep depression and anxiety this year when one of my old friend referred to Leanne. 

I am suffering with chronic health issues from 2012. Irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression and anxiety. Last year I was feeling much better and thought that I beat it. But this year when I got into depression again, I got shocked and felt that I need to understand more about myself, my mind and how to beat these health issues for good. I had so much resistance to do anything.
Leanne empowered me to learn a lot about myself, my identity, my mind and why it is holding back again and again. She is empowering me to believe in myself again to achieve whatever I desire in my life. There is lots of inner work, accepting , forgiving and loving myself as I am and to work for my desired goal of successful future.
I am really grateful to meet her, working with her to change myself. It’s only a month but I can feel a huge shift in my mind and body, doing lots more without resistance and feel much better. She did some Recoding as well which was really good and helped remove the resistance. .
I CAN CHANGE MYSELF so that my future self will thank me.
Thanks🙏 Leanne for everything you taught me. All the best wishes.

Kathleen, USA

I had finally found what helped move the needle for me and Leanne was the conductor to the music she was about to help me create.  

Leanne picked up her baton and started to help me guide myself to a life that I love. To a happy loving family unit where there is more love and joy than disagreement and arguing. Leanne started with a visualization of what I want my life to look like. Where am I living, as I walked in what is going on with my family, looking at all that I have done and places I have travelled to, and finally looking at the person I am, living this wonderful abundant life I love. And I thought that was powerful, yet a sense of scepticism said time will tell.

After working with Leanne, I felt a great sense of relief, calmness, and serenity like I had never experienced before. I created connections with my family I had not ever shared with them. It was my first Mother’s day without any stress and anxiety and drama that usually ensues with family get togethers. 

I am a firm believer of this work and Leanne’s ability to guide me in a way that will help continue to clean and clear my way into a much happier and healthier life filled with total abundance. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Leanne for helping me experience One of the best days of my life! 

Emad, Port Said Egypt.

I was living a life full of anxiety and stress from work, living in a place of self doubt and disillusion with my life.

Miss Leanne’s perceptive and skillful questions helped pull me out of this frame of mind and empowered nd encouraged me to be the best that I could be. Miss Leanne has shown me where I was sabotaging all areas of my life. She has supported me in teaching me to see my life filled with endless possibilities which has empowered me and encouraged me to take great leaps in my life, following my dreams. I am still growing daily and my confidence has grown tremendously. My high blood pressure has reduced a lot, and I can manage my stress levels better, with breathing and meditations.
Thank you for being such an inspiration to us all in Egypt.

Ahmed R. Port Said, Egypt

Thanks to Leanne I got my Doctorate degree which has been a dream come true.

Miss Leanne has worked with me for the past 5 years on and off when she was living in Egypt and after she left. She was able to give me a lot of clarity, direction, acceptance, and belief within myself.She helped me to let go of a lot of anger and frustrations, that was causing pain my neck and back from all of my study.
Miss Leanne has a special gift for understanding situations with what little information you tell her. It's more than just her knowledge and training… there's definitely something special about her heart.
If there is conflict in your life, Miss Leanne will be able to help you in ways you could not on your own. We were very lucky to have Miss Leanne come to Egypt and coach us, she changed a lot of lives from small kids to adults.
If you need a coach for any area of your life, she is exceptional. Ahmed R. Port Said, Egypt

Tracey B Texas, USA

You have changed my world 

Her ability to process and understand relationship dynamics and behavior was amazing. What I did not anticipate was her ability as a transformation coach that inspired me to be honest with myself and congruently align my beliefs and actions. What began as a journey to fix a relationship turned out to be a life-changing experience in self-development and personal-growth that I would not trade for anything.

Annie, London, UK

Leanne is an amazing person with incredible insight to offer.

She helped me through an exceedingly difficult time in my life, a devastating breakup with a man whom I contemplated having a family with. Leanne made me realize so many things about myself, such as the need to set boundaries and to honour myself and trust my gut instinct in certain situations. In the 3 months that we worked together, Leanne made a major impact in my life, and has helped to shape me into a stronger and more confident woman.
Annie, London, UK,

Pascal, Calgary, Canada

I came to Leanne having struggled with self confidence and self belief in being able to start a new business.

Leanne opened my eyes to a completely different way of looking at my situation. I stopped caring about the outcome, and focused only in my NOW and being the better version of me and finally started to have fun again, it changed the way I related in all areas with family, and friends.
She truly is a great coach that constantly challenged me and my life dreams. But that’s not why I connect so well with her. I connect well with Leanne because she truly cares! That isn’t easily found in this world.
Pascal, Calgary, Canada

Leisel, Cape Town, Sth Africa

Leanne is simply the best. She is the real deal. She is focused in empowering your transformation in all areas of your life.

She is extremely insightful. And best of all, she is committed to helping her clients become more self-aware, understanding, and accepting of the challenges they are facing, and then she guides them with care to their own better version.
After our time together, I launched my own full-time coaching business. I am absolutely living my dream life and my work with Leanne is a huge part of that. I give her my sincerest gratitude.
For me, this has been one of the most valuable experiences I have ever been a part of and I am so grateful that I invested in myself.

Mahmoud, Egypt

Leanne is simply the best. She's real and focused.

I found Miss Leanne to be extremely insightful. And best of all, she's committed to helping her clients become more self-aware, understanding, and accepting of the challenges they're facing, and then she guides them with care to their own better version. She helped me so much understand and change my thinking to become more healthier and have a better life and be happy.
I give her my sincerest gratitude.
For me, this has been one of the most valuable experiences I've ever been a part of and I am so grateful that I invested in myself. Thank you, Leanne

Tim D, USA

So refreshing and revitalizing,

I am a sculptor, living in the Olympic forest in Washington, US.
I sought coaching from Leanne, not knowing exactly what I needed, but that something was misplaced, my inspiration and goals were tired and fuzzy. I was struck with the immediacy with which Leanne cut through my vagueness. And working with her in the areas of career, action, and matters of the heart brought a brand new launch for my soul, it was so refreshing and revitalizing. I highly recommend Leanne if you are looking for a coach both with heart and of the heart.

Philip– Ontario, Canada

Leanne is a God send.

She has these magical powers and a genius when it comes to coaching and relationships. Thank you so much! When I met Leanne and started working with her, I felt she was a gift from God… I still believe that. I was at my wits end when we met. I felt destroyed, depleted, lost… And Leanne slowly helped build me back up… helping me achieve what my mind told me was impossible, but my heart yearned for: reconnecting with the woman who dumped me, and getting engaged. Thank you Leanne. 

Mike, Westminster, Marylands, USA

If I had to sum up my work with Leanne in one word it would be ‘Responsibility’.
When I started working with her, it was because I wanted help with my relationship. Or so I thought. What I have come to realize through the process was that what I really wanted help with was myself. She helped me to see how caught up I get in the stories I tell myself about the world — not the facts about the world, but my stories about those facts. The realizations are only part of what I have gained from our work together. What I have come to rely on more than anything in our work together is the regular practice of holding up the vision of who I want to be — not just who I have always said I want to be — and using that vision as a guiding star to move toward. She is really good at holding that star up to me in a way that isn’t preachy, just straightforward. Real.

Christal, Sedona, USA

Leanne is “3 days BIG”…….

She can see you and who you are, maybe not verbalizing but she reaches out and in deep, to help you go into balance and get the real work started by grabbing that end of the ball of yarn that you have a very tight grip on. She will get you far down the road to a better spot and set you up with lot’s of homework that is very effective. 
Well that is what she did for me. She did it very well and I found her to be very heartfelt and in alignment with herself as a coach who was caring polite, kind and friendly. She helped me to understand parts of recoding that I didn’t have access too. Our session has continued to give me results and I wish the same for you. 
May we all Spring forward.

Callie, California USA

Investing in coaching with Leanne is by far the best decision I've ever made.
I owe my life to her. She has taught me so much in the past few months. She helped me finally let go of toxic relationship patterns and helped me find me again after a devastating breakup. I’ve been able get out of my head and into my body so that I can trust my inner guidance. I'm so much kinder to myself. When I look in the mirror now, I love who’s looking back at me. My form is even different than a year ago. I glow, I'm lean, and now eat healthy by choice. My face has even become more youthful and alive, my eyes are bright and soft, my posture is straight and confident. I'm a better person, mother, friend to myself and others, boss, daughter, sister, colleague… I will be eternally grateful and her biggest fan.
© 2021 Leanne Rodway | ConsciousUp 

Disclaimer: The content and material presented is for educational and informational purposes only. The content should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. Any case histories presented are provided for illustrative purposes only. No express or implied guarantee of results is made. If you are currently being treated by a physician or other healthcare practitioner for any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing or modifying any medication treatment program.

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